
01 January 2010

~ Happy New Year 1/365 ~

Hi everyone and welcome to 2010. I am not sure what my resolutions are but I figure to keep them basic. Eat healthier, exercise more and try to be a more healthier dude.....pretty much the same every year...:)

I have always wanted to try and do a 365 project, my friend/photographer Owen, challenged me so I figure 2010 is the year to give it a shot. Perfect day to start on, Jan.1st 2010. So here is 1/365 of my project to take a picture every day. We have 3 cats so I am sure there will be plenty of cat images. I will try not to bore people with just cat images, but I might not be too you'll have to see a few cat pics now and again. :)

I hope that 2010 brings good things, it sure seems like the world is more and more tense times. The worries over the economy, the small wars going on around the world, terrorism, flu worries, global warming worries and just overall tension it seems...maybe it's just me but the world is not doing so hot. I hope 2010 is a better year. I hope in some small way I can do some positive things through my actions. I know it's hard for one person to create global changes, but I try my best. Hopefully as a teacher I can try and have a positive influence in the students I teach. After all, to be really cliche, they are our future. I hope the future is bright and that 2010 is a great year for everyone on this planet.

My prayers are with my friends and family and I really hope that I can develop some new friendships in 2010. I really do want to network more and have more opportunity to talk and work with fellow photographers. :)

Well, here it is the #1 shot of January 2010!!! :)
~ Nahla Pearl 1/365 ~

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