
07 May 2009

~ Nut Jobs ~

So apparently I have offended someone. They called my home today and yelled at my wife saying I had something offensive on my website and should take it off, something relating to Seventhday Adventists. Then this woman hung up on my wife. If this person is reading my blog today, I have something to tell you.....I am not going to sugar coat here it goes:


Seriously, I was born and raised in a Seventhday Adventist home. My Father is an SDA pastor and has devoted his life to the church. I have seen what "Christianity" and organized religion is about, so don't even get me started. So who ever this coward of a woman is that couldn't leave her name or number, I say to you get a serious life. It humors me as well to think this person reads my blog and then gives us the angry phone call. Trust me lady, what you think about something on my websites means nothing to me. It's people like you that give christians a BAD name, souring people in to not wanting to go to church.....I would of loved to answered the phone and talked to you. Call me again please, this time don't hang up....and give me your number so we can become phone friends.....I'd love to do nothing more then call you, yell and hang up. What a good christian thing to do. LOL..........yes, it's people like this that God wants to fill his kingdom with. I cannot for the life of me understand what she means about offensive stuff on my blog relating to adventists??? I have said nothing bad about SDA people, or what we believe in. Maybe she's offended by my taste in music? or the pictures I take? Regardless, lady you are a douche and I have no problem blasting you for your actions. GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Sorry to those who had to see me vent, it's been one of those days......


Cptpoland said...

Those people are everywhere! Maybe that's why I keep away from religion all together.

Smiley Eyes Photography said...

Unbelievable !! You don't deserve that Randy !